Definizione ed esempi di alimenti Ready To Eat (RTE)

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Oggetto: Definizione ed esempi di alimenti Ready To Eat (RTE)

Ciao ragazzi e benvenuti, ^__^

copio-incollo di seguito la definizione di alimenti Ready-to-Eat (RTE) a cui accennava Andrea.s, reperibile nel Food Code 2013 redatto dalla FDA (FDA Food Code 2013: Chapter 1 - Purpose & Definitions)

Ready-to-Eat Food:

  • (1) "Ready-to-eat food" means food that:
    • (a) Is in a form that is edible without additional preparation to achieve food safety, as specified under one of the following: ¶ 3-401.11(A) or (B), § 3-401.12, or § 3-402.11, or as specified in ¶ 3-401.11(C); or
    • (b) Is a raw or partially cooked animal food and the consumer is advised as specified in Subparagraphs 3-401.11(D)(1) and (3); or
    • (c) Is prepared in accordance with a variance that is granted as specified in Subparagraph 3-401.11(D) (4); and
    • (d) May receive additional preparation for palatability or aesthetic, epicurean, gastronomic, or culinary purposes.
  • (2) "Ready-to-eat food" includes:
    • (a) Raw animal food that is cooked as specified under ß 3-401.11 or 3≠401.12, or frozen as specified under § 3-401.11 or 
      3-401.12, or frozen as specified under § 3-402.11;
    • (b) Raw fruits and vegetables that are washed as specified under § 3-302.15;
    • (c) Fruits and vegetables that are cooked for hot holding, as specified under § 3-401.13;
    • (d) All potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food) that is cooked to the temperature and time required for the specific food under Subpart 3-401 and cooled as specified under § 3-501.14;
    • (e) Plant food for which further washing, cooking, or other processing is not required for food safety, and from which rinds, peels, husks, or shells, if naturally present are removed;
    • (f) Substances derived from plants such as spices, seasonings, and sugar;
    • (g) A bakery item such as bread, cakes, pies, fillings, or icing for which further cooking is not required for food safety;
    • (h) The following products that are produced in accordance with USDA guidelines and that have received a lethality treatment for pathogens: dry, fermented sausages, such as dry salami or pepperoni; salt-cured meat and poultry products, such as prosciutto ham, country cured ham, and Parma ham; and dried meat and poultry products, such as jerky or beef sticks; and
    • (i) Foods manufactured as specified in 21 CFR Part 113, Thermally Processed Low-Acid Foods Packaged in Hermetically Sealed Containers.

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Parole chiave (versione beta)

ready to eat, food safety, fda, temperatura, esame, alimenti, salame, prosciutto parma

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