1) "Textural comparisons of gluten free and wheat based doughs, batters, and breads"
Moore,MM; Schober,TJ; Dockery,P; Arendt,EK
Cereal Chemistry. 2004; 81(5): 567-575
2) "Protein fractions of oats and possibilities of oat utilisation for patients with coeliac disease"
Capourova,I; Petr,J; Tlaskalova Hogenova,H; Michalik,I; Famera,O; Urminska,D; Tuckova,L; Knoblochova,H; Borovska,D
Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 2004; 22(4): 151-162
3) "The utilisation of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum L. Moench, var. saccharatum) for gluten-free diet in coeliac disease"
Petr,J; Michalik,I; Tlaskalova Hogenova, H; Capouchova,I; Famera,O; Urminska,D; Tuckova,L; Knoblochova,H
Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica. 2003; 34(1): 8-15
4) "Fiber preparations of different origin used as additives in baking gluten-free breads"
Korus,J; Achremowicz,B
Zywnosc. 2004; 11(1): 65-73
5) "Elaboration of bread without gluten for the celiac disease carriers"
Rossato Moreira,M; Severo da Rosa, C; Miranda, MZ de
Alimentaria. 2004; (354): 91-94
6) "Effect of a gluten-free diet on gastrointestinal symptoms in celiac disease"
Murray,JA; Watson,T; Clearman,B; Mitros,F
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004; 79(4): 669-673
7) "Recent advances in the formulation of gluten-free cereal-based products"
Gallagher,E; Gormley,TR; Arendt,EK
Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2004; 15(3-4): New functional ingredients and foods: safety, health and convenience., 143-152
8) "Use of response surface methodology to optimize gluten-free bread fortified with soy flour and dry milk"
Sanchez,HD; Osella,CA; Torre,MA de la
Food Science and Technology International. 2004; 10(1): 5-9
9) "Gluten free breads using rice flour and hydrocolloid gums"
Cato,L; Gan,JJ; Rafael,LGB; Small,DM
Food-Australia. 2004; 56(3): 75-78
10) "Influence of gluten-free flour mixes and fat powders on the quality of gluten-free biscuits"
Schober,TJ; O'Brien,CM; McCarthy,D; Darnedde,A; Arendt,EK
European Food Research and Technology. 2003; 216(5): 369-376
Ho aperto comunque una nuova discussione intitolata "Il Glutine" (sempre in questo topic: "Food Tech. & Pack."), ove sarà possbile approfondire l'argomento.
A presto!
gluten free, glutine, bibliografia
Disamina sui prodotti senza glutine
Preparazione del Seitan: ottimizzazione estrazione Glutine
Influenza del grasso sui trattamenti termici
Pane a Fette GF con Difetto di Macro Alveolatura
Caso studio: progettazione di torta gluten-free alla vaniglia